~Carol Schweizer
The GPS membership meeting program “One Hundred Years Ago, the Village of Galway and the Hamlet of East Galway” was very well received by an unusually large attendance. The Old Time Story Night program presented in May of 1984 was “revisited” by member/speaker Arlene Rhodes. The program included 40 of the original slides of Galway Village and East Galway. Arlene reviewed details and dates relating to the photos (without notes, no less.) Many thanks to Arlene for a memorable program.
GPS has requested, many times, for members to consider writing down memories of early times from Galway or the near area, for our Journal. I would also like to ask if there are any members who might like to learn about putting together this monthly Journal. Bonnie Donnan has done a wonderful job editing for a long time. We would like to have a “back-up” person to know how it is done. Please contact me if you have an interest, 518-882-1023.
Our own GPS member, Alan Maddaus, will present the February program “Wright Peak Elegy-A Story of Cold War Deterrence and Ultimate Sacrifice.” This involved a plane crash in the Adirondacks in 1962. Alan has written a book on this event which he will have at the program.
Looking forward to seeing you on February 3 at 7:00pmTown Hall.
Contact us at or visit us at
Zoom meeting number is 294 161 5132