No more winter cold and ice
Time to swim, how nice!
— Poem and Photo of Galway Lake by Lenore Lanka
April 6
April steps quietly
across the yard
As gold finches flash their gold
And jabber their business
All over the feeder.
No other bird can get a word in
Or a place at the table
Until all at once,
some news must break
And the finches are off to claim it.
–by MCPerez
April 7
Rivers run everywhere
Through shadows of trees
Bare limbed
Spreading like webs
To catch me there
Into the roots and opening buds,
Bird song gushing
Over the banks
And through the veins of
Those awash on shore.
–by MCPerez
Schools closed. Empty Malls.
Commercial planes, a rare sight.
Thumbs do our walking.
–by Patty Kay
Desert Spring: Lizards,
Scorpions, Rattlesnakes, Bees,
and Cactus Flowers.
–by Patty Kay
Hiking and Yoga
are practices that help us
live through Corona.
–by Patty Kay
Shells tremble, shift, crack,
peck by peck
till tiny fluffs of squirm
emerge, thin peeps of chicks
barely audible over excited
cries of gaping children.
Hush of wonder
as tiny beings wobble,
peep louder,
the way truth cracks
open your world, unsteady
but ready to be heard.
–by Evelyn Hanna
April 8
The hepaticas have the briefest moment
In the sun. Unfurling
Sky blue petals,
Five little fingers to catch what they can
Before the trees leaf out
And grab it all.
–by MCPerez
Road dirt everywhere.
Sweep, rake, pick stones. Quick, before
blackfly season comes.
–by Jeanne Frank