Galway Preservation Society

June 2024

~Carol Schweizer

The May meeting was, in fact, a true business meeting, one of our two yearly.  New officers were elected, as presented in last month’s newsletter. We wish to express our sincere thanks to Phyllis Sleeper for serving as our recording secretary this past year. 

The program for May was presented by Michael Diana on the history of Wolf Hollow.  For the second month in a row, we heard about very early history of our area, going back to Native American struggles and conflicts before the American Revolution.

GPS was represented at the annual Memorial Day observation in the village on May 27th.  Many thanks to all who were there to help with our booth in the park. Periodicals were available for sale along with a display of reproductions of early pottery made in Galway. Welcome to the new members who joined that day. We also thank members who marched in the parade and carried our GPS banner. Virginia Sawicki decorated the small gazebo with patriotic colors. Thank you, all!

The final gathering for GPS in June will be the annual potluck picnic held at Town Hall on June 3 at  6:00 pm. If any member has not yet signed up, please call Linda Bobar at 518 705-6254. Following the meal, at approximately 7:00 pm our speaker will be Anne Clothier for a presentation on early textiles.

As we close out this program year, I am very thankful for so many officers and members who have joined in presenting a full, interesting effort to preserve and share our local history! Have a wonderful summer and see you in September!