We thank the Galway Preservation Society for generously sharing this collection of photographs with the Galway Public Library. If using photos in research or for personal use, please credit the Galway Preservation Society.
People of Galway and Surrounding Areas

Front, Vera Boerenko, Josie Dybowski, Eleanor Podhajecki, Shirley Knights, Gertrude Galupi
2nd row, George Klementowski, Ed Klementowski, Alfred Sherman, Della Scripter, Jenni Klementowski
3rd row, John Dybowski, Joseph George Kalinkewiz, Kenneth sherman, Ed Turek, Helen Cwiakala, Olga Sevan, Doris Knights, Corabelle Kimball, Pauline Sherman
Back, Ted Turek, Hiley Scripter, Joe Klementowski, Howard Sherman, Colin Grant, Josie Sherman, Eleanor Kimball, Katherine Wyka, Jennie Kalinkewicz, Mike Klementowski
2nd row, George Klementowski, Ed Klementowski, Alfred Sherman, Della Scripter, Jenni Klementowski
3rd row, John Dybowski, Joseph George Kalinkewiz, Kenneth sherman, Ed Turek, Helen Cwiakala, Olga Sevan, Doris Knights, Corabelle Kimball, Pauline Sherman
Back, Ted Turek, Hiley Scripter, Joe Klementowski, Howard Sherman, Colin Grant, Josie Sherman, Eleanor Kimball, Katherine Wyka, Jennie Kalinkewicz, Mike Klementowski

John Edward Greening; Ellen "Nellie" Graves; Robert Eaton (standing, center); Michael Sawicki; Zigmunt "Ziggie" Szczombrowski. Principal Charles H. Field is seated, center.

Alberta Coseo, unknown, Ida Simboli, three unknowns; far right, Shirley McChesney.

Edge of porch, Donald Pixley, Doug Teller, Walter Pixley; behind them, Bill Pixley with family friends Ed Baird and Violet Glen.

Front: Dorothy McKnight, Business; June Blowers, Science; Clara Reising, English and Social Studies; Mildred Follett, Grades 1 - 4; Elizabeth Kuehn, Music. Back: Paul Onfroy, French and Social Studies; Christine Lincoln, Grades 5 - 8; Alfred Perry, Principal.

Front, Paul Jasinski "Jones," Zygmunt "Zig" Szczombrowski, Bob Quinn, Andy Hassfurter, Stan Watrobski
Back, Pitcher Fred Gahr, Warner Brown, Robert Eaton, Charles Sanders, Ed Windbiel
Back, Pitcher Fred Gahr, Warner Brown, Robert Eaton, Charles Sanders, Ed Windbiel

Alfred Perry, Principal, kneeling. Edna Becker, June Blowers, Clara Reising, Paul Onfroy

Front, Joe Kalinkewicz, Eli Shapnek, Andrew Yonych, Arthur Springer, Henry Szczombrowski, Ralph Barrett, John Spanfelner
Back, Colin Grant, Donald May, Jerry Danopuk, Clark Shatas, Norbert Folster, Ed Turek, Everett Birch, John Sakowich
Back, Colin Grant, Donald May, Jerry Danopuk, Clark Shatas, Norbert Folster, Ed Turek, Everett Birch, John Sakowich

Carrriage shed of old First Baptist Church on right.
Lois Johnson, Lillian Sherman, Irene Shaw, Theresa Clancy, Shirley Knights, Gertrude Jones, Doris Knights, Pauline Sokach, Rose Clancy, Virginia Drake and Mary Sikoski. Mildred Armitage was the leader.
Lois Johnson, Lillian Sherman, Irene Shaw, Theresa Clancy, Shirley Knights, Gertrude Jones, Doris Knights, Pauline Sokach, Rose Clancy, Virginia Drake and Mary Sikoski. Mildred Armitage was the leader.

John Rohling, caretaker of Amsterdam Waterworks reservoir (Galway Lake) standing at right, on top of the gate above the dam, built when the lake was enlarged to present size in 1876.

John Sakowich, Tom Burke, Jimmy Donnan, Earl McConchie, Newell Moy, John Spanfelner, Clyde Des Roches

Front left, Henry Mechanick, far right, Bob Quinn. Top, in black bathing suit, Chester Turek

Front, Lois Johnson, Alice Benzal, Virginia Drake, Irene Shaw, Beverly Drake.
Back, Viola Haskel, Grace Benzal, June Close, Emma Purvee, troop leader, and Mary Packer, assistant leader.
Back, Viola Haskel, Grace Benzal, June Close, Emma Purvee, troop leader, and Mary Packer, assistant leader.

Dighton Polan, Chet Abel, Ruth Schwem, June Blowers Michelfelder, Dorothy McKnight, Doris Coffin

Front, Ralph Barrett, two unknowns, Deak Barrett, Hugh Knights, Cecil Anibal.
Back, two unknowns, Dighton Polan, Olaf Hansen, Bill McCrossen.
Back, two unknowns, Dighton Polan, Olaf Hansen, Bill McCrossen.

Front, June Overend, Ann Sanders, Janet Carr, Charlotte Brundige.
Back, Helen Jivok, Sophie Sakowich, Helen Proctor, Helen Cwiakala, unknown.
Back, Helen Jivok, Sophie Sakowich, Helen Proctor, Helen Cwiakala, unknown.

Front, Donald Folster, Thomas Quinn, Richard Stokna, Don Suits, Coach Warren Bouck
Second row, Raymond Dmyszewicz, Oscar Schmidt, Richard Kavanaugh, Wallace Clark
Back, Victor Noonan, David Collins, Stanley Staber
Second row, Raymond Dmyszewicz, Oscar Schmidt, Richard Kavanaugh, Wallace Clark
Back, Victor Noonan, David Collins, Stanley Staber

Ray David, Allison Taber, Kermit Hanson

Alger Bagdan, Jennie Maryzak, Doris Phoenix, Charlotte Brundige, Edmund Jezierski

Front, Jean Kimball Mead, Irene Kimball.
Second row, Ruth French, Mabel Walters, Carrie Thompson, Mabel McCrossen, Satie Albertson.
Back, Olive Graves, unknown, Becky Anibal, Ruth Millington.
Second row, Ruth French, Mabel Walters, Carrie Thompson, Mabel McCrossen, Satie Albertson.
Back, Olive Graves, unknown, Becky Anibal, Ruth Millington.

Front, Marcia Perry, Fred Perry, Bud Hansen, Margaret Schwem, June Michelfelder, Jane Schwem.
Second row, Martha Perry with child on her lap, Marjorie Balch.
Third row, Susan Hansen, Audrey Place, Mildred Hansen, Cora Esmond.
Back, Will Schwem, Ruth Schwem, Olaf Hansen, Marion Esmond, Art Follett, Janet Schwem, Mildred Follett, Ed Michelfelder.
Second row, Martha Perry with child on her lap, Marjorie Balch.
Third row, Susan Hansen, Audrey Place, Mildred Hansen, Cora Esmond.
Back, Will Schwem, Ruth Schwem, Olaf Hansen, Marion Esmond, Art Follett, Janet Schwem, Mildred Follett, Ed Michelfelder.

Frank, Cecil holding son Bobby, Mrs. Mildred Moy, Reid, and Truman.

Florence Turek, Captain, Elizabeth Post, Dorothy Palmer, Ella Weaver, Ruth Quinn

Front, third from left holding white purse, Ethel McCrossen, unknown, Ethel Brogue, Eleanor Barrett, Mary Barrett in print dress, unknown, Alice Cook, Ella McDowell
Second row between Ethel Brogue and Eleanor Barrett, Eugenia Cook.
Far left, third row, wearing white hat with black band, Katherine Olsen, wife of Rev. Carl Olsen. Third row directly behind Mary Barrett, Audrey Place, high school French teacher.
Second row between Ethel Brogue and Eleanor Barrett, Eugenia Cook.
Far left, third row, wearing white hat with black band, Katherine Olsen, wife of Rev. Carl Olsen. Third row directly behind Mary Barrett, Audrey Place, high school French teacher.

Front, Harriet Brown, Alice Cook, Katherine Olsen, in aprons.
Back, Emma Armer, Ellen Hamilton, Flora Willard, Estella Barrett, Mary Harris, Agnes Donnan, Jessie Folster, Lillian Clute, Carrie Morris.
Back, Emma Armer, Ellen Hamilton, Flora Willard, Estella Barrett, Mary Harris, Agnes Donnan, Jessie Folster, Lillian Clute, Carrie Morris.

Seated, Gwendolyn Leland, mathematics and science; Ethel Overbeek, third grade; Mildred Follett, kindergarten; Eleanore Crawley, music; Marion Packer, fourth and fifth grades.
Standing, Bryan Simmons, social studies and French; Anna Booth, first grade; Principal Michael Griffin, English; Marion Esmond, Commercial and English; Mary Fonda, second grade; Donald Mealy, physical education.
Standing, Bryan Simmons, social studies and French; Anna Booth, first grade; Principal Michael Griffin, English; Marion Esmond, Commercial and English; Mary Fonda, second grade; Donald Mealy, physical education.

Seated, Patty Wescott, Irene Grezbein, President Muriel Suss, Secretary Georgeanna May, Treasurer Lena Purvee.
Standing, Milton Lendl, Faculty Advisor Bryan Simmons, Vice President John Baker, Richard Suits.
Standing, Milton Lendl, Faculty Advisor Bryan Simmons, Vice President John Baker, Richard Suits.
Denison Family
Galway Village
Parkis Mills
Farming, Logging, etc.
East Galway

North side of Route 29 between Kimball's Corners and Mosherville.

Waterwheel Village location