Proceeds from the Story Quilt book are available to artists and writers who wish to present programs or projects at the library or at other venues within the Galway Central School District.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
Both emerging and established artists may apply. Projects or programs may be suitable for children, adults, or all ages, and must be of benefit to the community served by the Galway Public Library. For more information, please contact the library – 518-882-6385
To apply, please fill out this short form: SQ Application (10.31.09)
SQ Page 1 Final Report (10.31.09)
SQ Page 2 Final Report (10.31.09)
Story Quilt: Poems of a Place by the People Who Live Here
This professionally produced book of narrative poetry by the people of Galway is the outcome of Story Quilt, an award-winning project of the Galway Public Library. Through the Story Quilt project, more than 100 poems were collected from the community—natives and newcomers, young and old—that capture the unique but universally American character of our town.
One thousand copies were printed in the first run of this beautifully designed paperback book. Proceeds from the sale of the book (publication price: $15.00) will fund art and literary programs for children, adults, and families at the Galway Public Library.
Books are available for sale at the Library.
Winner of the Joseph F. Schubert Award
We are pleased to announce that the Story Quilt project of the Galway Public Library won the 2007 Joseph F. Shubert Award for Library Excellence from the New York State Library. This award recognizes the efforts of individual libraries and/or library systems in all of New York State that have initiated innovative and/or exemplary programs aimed towards enhancing library services for their constituents.
This is a high honor indeed for our small library and for our big hearted community. We can all be proud of this accomplishment – both individually and collectively.
Winner of the 2005 Library Program of the Year Award
from the Southern Adirondack Library System
On Tuesday, May 16th, 2006, the Galway Public Library was awarded the 2005 Program of the Year Award by the Southern Adirondack Library System (SALS). The program honored was the Story Quilt! This honor is only given to two SALS libraries each year. The library received a plaque that is hanging in the library and a $200 cash prize.
Congratulations to Mary Cuffe-Perez and all of the Story Quilt participants for this honor!