Online Educational Resources for Families & Students
- Tinkercad – free, easy to use 3D design, electronics & coding website
- Digital Learning Tools for Patrons
- The Hyde Museum
- Read magazines free online with NYPL library card
- Opportunities for digital volunteering
- Tang Museum online
- Aquarium Web Cams
- Find New York Culture
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Nature’s Notebook
- Tons of Virtual Museums to visit
- Saratoga Chamber of Commerce
- New York State Museum
- Virtual Museum Tours
- Color Our Collections
- Stay Home Music Sessions with Caffe Lena
- FEMA COVID19 Funeral Assistance
- Saratoga County Public Health Services
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- NYS Department of Health – Hotline: 888-364-3065
- World Health Organization with Myth Busters
- Medline Plus
- Social Distancing
Federal, New York State Residential Energy Assessment
Federal & New York State and Utility tax credits and rebates:

Access e-books and audiobooks through our website on Overdrive.
The Libraries Mean Business collection on SALON has titles related to small businesses, entrepreneurs, workforce development, adult literacy, mental health issues, and resiliency as well as guides to help people considering Civil Service exams.
OverDrive Instant Card: get a library card immediately to access e-books & audiobooks, using a mobile phone number. You can also sign up for an instant digital card via the Libby app on your phone.
The library’s Wi-Fi is accessible 24/7 from the parking lot through your devices. No password needed!
We can accept donations of books or other material but please limit the donation to two boxes per family per week.
Resources for Families in Need
- Senior Housing and Care Resources
- Resources for Elder Abuse
- NYS Office For the Aging Video Tutorial Series to Help Eligible Older New Yorkers Access Federal, State and Local Benefits
- Saratoga, Warren, Washington Workforce Development Career Center: information and training for job seekers, youth, veterans, etc.
- NYS Department of Labor — unemployment claims
- Galway Food Pantry – Eligibility information for first-time clients
- Galway Seniors
- Galway EMS Also see patient protocols here.
- Senior Advice: Nursing Homes in New York
- Mental Health Association in New York State – New York State Mental Health Hotline for free emotional support, consultation and referral to a provider: 1-844-863-9314.
- Citizen Public Health Training Program
- Community Resources For Getting Through The Pandemic Together
- Protecting your Mental Health
- Adults Coping with Stress
- Help Children Cope with Stress
- Boost your Immune Health
- The Justice Center at Albany Law School pro bono
- Practice Physical Distance on Saratoga Plan Trails