Donation Form
We are grateful to accept “Memorial” and “in Honor” donations.
(Reminder: some corporations may have “corporate matching funds” to match your individual donations).
Donations for the Library can also be made to the Galway Public Library Foundation.
Volunteer Wish List
- Assist with maintaining library gardens
- Shelf Reading and Shelving
- Straighten the children’s area
- Assist with community outreach
- Assist with development of home book/media delivery
Planning Ahead
- Assist with Memorial Day Parade float
Donation Wish List
Office Supplies
- Transparent tape
- Photo Copy Paper White or Color
- Staples
Kids’ Craft items
- Colored construction paper
- Felt
- Colored/white card stock
General Supplies
- Magazine Subscriptions
- Legos or comparable brand of children’s building block toys
- Paper Towels, Kitchen Size Trash Bags, etc.
- AAA, AA, and C batteries
Postage Stamps
Robin Collyer, for her efforts to help weed the front rain gardens. It is much appreciated!
Jeff Ferro, who generously mowed the septic mound so we can plant our butterfly garden!
Teen Advisory Board Members Elise & Colette McCleneghen; Piper & Ailey Nelson; Cody Schneider; Sadie Denison; Addelayde Ross; Taylor Germain; Kara Ferguson; and Charlie Ford for their successful Children’s Book Sale.
Paula Maciag for her wonderful assistance in weeding the rain gardens at the library.